Partner with the Legal Literacy Project

Our Mission

The mission of the Legal Literacy Project is to increase access to the civil justice system and support civil justice reform efforts. The Legal Literary Project partners with legal aid service providers, justice reform advocacy groups and commercial legal service providers to address the justice gap via a combination of educational, advocacy and fund-raising efforts.

If your organization would like to participate in this vital work, please contact the Legal Literacy Project.

Is your organization experiencing any of these challenges?

Are you frustrated by the challenges facing low-income individuals and families in their efforts to assert their civil rights and access the civil justice system?

Are you anxious about the overwhelming demand for legal aid services and your organization’s inability to provide services to all the individuals who qualify?

Are you discouraged by the difficulties of raising funds to fulfill your mission and your organization’s constant need to fund-raise?

Learn the Law. Understand your Lawyer. Prevail in Court.